Pet Rules

A. Pet Screening 

All tenants that own pets must complete a pet profile through Pet Screening at Tenants who have been approved to keep a pet on a CHAD property will be required to sign an addendum to the lease that states that the resident understands all stated pet-keeping policies. Residents that currently do not have pets must be approved by CHAD before they intend to acquire and/or adopt a pet.

B. Permissible Pets

CHAD allows only traditional pets, such as dogs, cats and fish, in rental homes. CHAD will permit 1 animal per household dwelling.  Some exceptions may apply.

1. Dogs

Weight Limit: Thirty (30) pounds at maturity

Please note that breed restrictions may vary by Property per the local animal control   ordinances. Tenant must see Landlord for a list of breed restrictions applicable to Tenant's Property.  

2. Cats

Weight Limit: Thirty (30) pounds at maturity

3. Fish:  Fish tanks and aquariums are permitted and must be less than 10-gallon capacity. Tenants must place aquariums in a safe location in the apartment, on a shelf or table giving the aquarium adequate support. Tenants shall be responsible for all damage caused by leaks and breakage from any aquarium. Tenant must provide proof of a valid renter's insurance policy at time of submitting Pet Application and maintain insurance policy throughout Tenant's tenancy. No pet fee is required. 

C. Non-permissible Pets

The following animals are NOT permitted as pets at any of CHAD’s properties. Tenants will be evicted for the possession of poisonous, dangerous or illegal pets, or endangered species.

1. Small Caged Animals (such as rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, gerbils, ferrets, birds, snakes, scorpions, tarantulas, lizards, and rodents of any kind).

2.  Exotic or wild animals (such as raccoons, skunks, iguanas, monkeys, potbelly pigs and hedgehogs).

D. Pet Fee:  

A non-refundable fee of $400 is required for each approved pet. The fee is due at the time of application for rental housing, along with the completed Pet Application Form and photo(s) of the pet(s).

E. Restrictions

1.  Tenants must agree to abide by all applicable Pet Rules and Regulations

2. Tenant will provide adequate and regular veterinary care of the pet(s), ample water and food, and will not leave the pet unattended for any undue length of time. Tenant will diligently maintain cleanliness of litter pans, outdoor yard and common areas, sleeping and feeding areas.

3. Pets must be confined to the pet owner’s housing unit and must not be allowed to roam free, or be tied unattended in any common areas, patios or balconies or left alone in the yard when residents are not home. Pets must be crated if no one is home and there are scheduled repairs for the unit. 

4. Pets will be allowed out of the premises only under complete control of a responsible person and on a hand held leash or in an animal carrier.

5. Pets shall not be kept, bred, or used for any commercial purpose.

6.  Pets must by spayed or neutered by one year of age unless the procedure is deemed medically unsafe by a veterinarian (e.g. animal is too old to undergo spay or neuter surgeries). Landlord requires written proof of same. 

7. Pets must be current on rabies vaccinations and licensed, as required by state and/or local law, with the local animal control agency. CHAD requires written proof of licensure and vaccination status.

8.  Tenants must provide their pet with an identification tag.

9. Tenants who walk pets are responsible for immediately removing and properly disposing of any feces deposited by your pet.  If pet defecation is permitted inside the dwelling unit, it shall be done in litter boxes with “kitty litter” type mix. All cat litter must be bagged in plastic and disposed of in the garbage.  Cat litter may not be disposed of in toilets, even if the litter is marked “flushable”. Cat litter can cause clogs in pipes and flooding.  Failure to clean up pet waste from any part of the premises will result in a fine of $25 per occurrence and is cause for termination of tenancy.

10. Tenants shall keep their pet from being a nuisance to others and will promptly remedy any complaints. No pet shall be allowed to become a nuisance or create any unreasonable disturbance. Examples of nuisance behavior for the purposes of this paragraph are:

  • Pets whose unruly behavior causes personal injury or property damage.  Landlord has a zero tolerance policy for biting.  Should Tenant's authorized animal bite another person or animal, Landlord shall serve Tenant with a written notice to immediately remove pet from the Premises.  Failure to comply with said notice to remove is cause for termination of tenancy.
  • Pets who make noise continuously and/or incessantly for a period of 10 minutes or intermittently for ½ hour or more to the disturbance of any person at any time of day or night (local animal nuisance laws supersede this policy).
  • Pets in common areas that are not under the complete physical control of a responsible human companion and on a hand-held leash of no more than six feet in length or in a pet carrier.
  • Pets who relieve themselves on walls or floors of common areas.
  • Pets who exhibit aggressive or other dangerous or potentially dangerous behavior.
  • Pets who are conspicuously unclean or parasite infested.

11. Tenants are responsible for any damage to the interior or exterior of the premises, grounds, flooring, walls, trim, finish, tiles, carpet, or any stains caused by the pet. Pet damage of any kind is not considered normal wear and tear. The Tenant agrees to pay all costs involved in restoration to its original condition. If because of any such stains that said damage is such that it cannot be removed, then the tenant will agree to pay the full expense of replacement.

12. Tenant understands and agrees that the Landlord may enter the Premises if efforts to contact the Tenant are unsuccessful, and if in Landlord's sole discretion, an emergency situation exists with respect to the pet. Examples of an emergency situation include, but are not limited to,  abuse, abandonment, or any prolonged disturbance. Tenant agrees that Landlord may also involve the local police and/or animal control departments.

13. Notwithstanding any other provision herein, disabled individuals may keep assistance animals in their units. Service and companion animals are not considered as pets and are accepted at all CHAD properties for disabled individuals. CHAD requires a verifiable accommodation request.  Weight restrictions for the animal do not apply.

14. Tenants shall indemnify, hold harmless, and defend landlord or the landlord’s agents against all liability, judgments, expense (including attorney’s fees), or claims by third parties for any injury to a person or damage to property caused by a tenant’s pet.

F. Enforcement

The breach of any of the Pet Rules or Regulations will be considered a default under the terms of the lease. In the event of any default, the tenant will be given a written notice by CHAD. The tenant will have three (3) days after receiving written notice, to cure the default.  If the problem remains unresolved, CHAD may revoke permission to keep pet(s) on the premises by giving the resident (30) days’ notice. If the pet has not been removed after 30 days, then CHAD may initiate evictions proceedings.

G. Changes to Policy

CHAD management shall from time to time have the right to make reasonable changes and additions to the above mentioned pet rules, if in writing and distributed to all tenants who are permitted to have pets.

Community Housing Advocacy and Development 531 East Roosevelt Road, Suite 200 Wheaton, IL 60187 (Map + directions) Phone: (630) 456-4452 Fax: (630) 580-9244

Office hours
Monday–Friday, 8:00am–4:30pm

From the community

“The help I have received from CHAD is priceless. I want to say, "Thank you!" from the bottom of my heart.”



2.3 full time minimum wage jobs are necessary to afford a two bedroom apartment in the Chicago area CHAD helps families stay together.