Become a Corporate Partner


CHAD is interested in partnering with companies, large and small, that support our mission and vision and who want to help make a difference in social change for people that struggle to support themselves. By providing resources such as time, talent and treasure, corporate partners can help transform housing inequalities that can lead to positive changes that affect not only individual's lives but also entire communities.

CHAD is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions to CHAD are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.

The benefits to your business in supporting CHAD may include some or all of the following:

  • Enriching your connection to philanthropic efforts.
  • Enhancing you company's image to a specific audience.
  • Developing public awareness to a specific audience and at different levels such as "top of mind" versus "in depth"
  • Creating Business to Business Opportunities.
  • Promoting internal good will and involvement, as well as team building, amongst your employees.
  • Reaching high caliber volunteers and donors, many of who are leaders in their professions.

In exchange for your support, CHAD offers:

  • Public acknowledgments through its website, annual report, news releases and newsletter.
  • On-site visibility at specific events with use of corporate logo.
  • Billing exclusivity as a title sponsor, for example, or Industry exclusivity, where only one firm from a given industry sponsors an activity.

Listed below are some of the ways your business can support CHAD.

  1. Donate Monetary Funds to support CHAD's Operations
    A monetary gift of any amount provides CHAD with the necessary financial resources to maintain its inventory of affordable housing properties, set funds aside for its Homeless Prevention-Rental Assistance Fund to aid CHAD residents during a short term economic crisis, and cover other general operating expenses.

  2. Donate In-Kind Gifts of Goods and Services
    CHAD welcomes donations of in-kind gifts consisting of goods and services. CHAD relies on gifts of goods such as building and landscape materials, flooring, household kitchen and bath appliances and cabinetry, furnaces/boilers, air conditioning units, windows and doors, and other household items, to maintain its properties and deliver quality affordable housing. Gifts of services consist of discounts on professional services from our vendor relationships.

    Please note that CHAD does not place a dollar value on in-kind donations for tax purposes. Thank you letters will describe the gifts but it is the responsibility of the donor to determine fair market value for IRS purposes.

  3. Sponsor a Home:
    CHAD owns and maintains 175 properties, in 29 communities, that include apartment buildings, duplexes, townhouses and single family homes. All of these properties require ongoing maintenance on a regular basis and in some cases, require more substantive maintenance due to age-related causes. CHAD is seeking corporate sponsorship for one or more of our properties to assist with maintenance needs. Together, CHAD and our corporate sponsors can partner "Under One Roof" to keep these properties in excellent condition for the long term and make them a home for a needy families today and tomorrow.

  4. Sponsor a Family
    The majority of CHAD's tenants are households that do not receive public support or sponsorship dollars from community agency partners. Rather, they are simply hardworking people who live paycheck to paycheck and struggle to support themselves. Companies seeking to leverage their social responsibility can help empower non-subsidized families to stabilize and become self-sufficient by supporting their rent for up to one year and renewing your commitment on an annual basis. For every dollar donated, CHAD will reduce the rent by an equivalent dollar amount.

  5. Sponsor /Underwrite an Event
    CHAD seeks corporations and local business to sponsor our major fundraising events. Sponsorships packages for these events are usually tiered to reflect classifications ranging from base level sponsors to a sole title sponsor. Sponsorship level contains specific benefits as outlined in more detail in our Special Events section of the website.

  6. Donate an item for a silent auction
    CHAD welcomes the donation of specific items, gift cards or gift certificates for silent auction or raffle activities associated with a special event. 

    To be eligible as a charitable contribution for tax purposes there must be a payment of money or transfer of property without receiving any adequate consideration.

  7. Donate Company Time as Group Volunteers
    CHAD encourages companies to assemble employees as group volunteers to help spruce up our properties. Volunteers should be at least 18 years of age. Pro bono help can vanquish our to-do list. Activities can include cleaning, painting, landscaping and other light maintenance/repair activities. If you are interested in donating materials pertaining to group volunteer efforts, please refer to the In-Kind donations section listed above.

    Participating companies are recognized for their group volunteer efforts in our annual report, on our website and in our newsletters.

  8. Serve on the Board of Directors or a Standing Committee
    CHAD is seeking to broaden its base of volunteer leadership at the Board and Committee levels. Potential board members should be willing to embrace and assist with fundraising activities, attend at least 75% of all board meetings, engage in policy making and help promote the work of CHAD throughout your network of friends and business associates.

Support CHAD

Please help provide affordable housing to more than 1,100 people each year.


More ways to support us »

Community Housing Advocacy and Development 531 East Roosevelt Road, Suite 200 Wheaton, IL 60187 (Map + directions) Phone: (630) 456-4452 Fax: (630) 580-9244

Office hours
Monday–Friday, 8:00am–4:30pm

From the community

“I never put photos on my walls because I was afraid I would be evicted at any moment. Now I have photos on my walls and I don’t have to be afraid every day.”

—Georgia G.


39,777 Number of households in DuPage County which made less than $25,000 (2010) CHAD helps families stay together.